On Tuesday morning, Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann said the investigation into the Mohali blast was ongoing, while various opposition leaders criticised the alleged rocket attack on the Punjab Police Headquarters the day before. “The blast in Mohali is being investigated by police.” “Whoever tried to damage the atmosphere of our Punjab will not be spared,” Bhagwant Mann said in Hindi and Punjabi on Twitter. He went on to say that some individuals had already been apprehended and that more will be arrested soon.
Mann’s post was also shared by AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal. “The Mohali blast was a cowardly act by people who wish to disrupt Punjab’s tranquillity.” The Punjab government of the Aam Aadmi Party will not grant those people’s wishes. Peace will be preserved under all circumstances with the help of all Punjabis, and the perpetrators would be severely punished (sic),” the Delhi chief minister said in Hindi below the Punjab chief minister’s post.
The impact of Monday’s blast shattered the glass panes on the third story of the state building, causing fear. A cop told reporters that the inquiry was ongoing when asked if there was a terror connection.
At around 7.45 p.m., a minor explosion was detected at the Punjab Police Intelligence Headquarters in SAS Nagar’s sector 77. An official statement noted, “No damage has been reported.” A manhunt has also been initiated to apprehend the suspects.
This is the latest incident in the AAP-ruled state that has sparked opposition outrage.
Sukhbir Singh Badal of the Akali Dal voiced alarm over the state’s “law and order situation” in a tweet. “Deeply startled by the explosion at the Punjab Police Intelligence Bureau HQs in Mohali, which exposed significant security gaps and once again highlighted Punjab’s deteriorating law and order situation.” In a late-night tweet, he stated, “A thorough investigation is essential to expose and punish those culpable.”
“This audacious attack on our police force is highly alarming, and I urge CM @BhagwantMann to ensure offenders are brought to justice as soon as possible,” former chief minister Amarinder Singh tweeted. (sic)”.
According to news agency ANI, a squad of Punjab Police and Punjab Police commandos has been stationed outside the intelligence headquarters.
When skirmishes occurred in Punjab’s Patiala last month, it sparked a political uproar.