With pals Akansha Ranjan and Anushka Ranjan, Vaani Kapoor celebrated her 34th birthday. The actor, who most recently starred in the Ranbir Kapoor film Shamshera, shared a photo of her midnight birthday cake-cutting party with her closest friends. Tuesday, Vaani uploaded a few images and brief videos of her posing with the sisters on Instagram Stories.
In a video clip, Vaani gave viewers a preview of how she celebrated her birthday, blowing out a large white candle while Anushka and Akansha Ranjan sat by her sides and kissed the actor on the cheek. The three posed together and a small birthday cake was set on the table in front of them.
Akansha was dressed in a cosy white and peach pyjama set, while Anushka wore a pair of black shorts and a black T-shirt. The birthday girl chose a white tank top and a pair of grey slacks.
Anushka was the first to share the video. Happy birthday to my eternal sunshine,” the actor said in his birthday greeting to Vaani. From her birthday party, Vaani posted a selfie of the two of them laughing and posing for the camera. Vaani added, “Best present from the best person,” next to their photo. Vaani was seen smiling in another video that was first posted by Akansha. She was posing with her eyes closed and her cheeks squeezed. The star wished her best friend a happy birthday and said, “My cutie. You deserve the world. I love you.”
Vaani recently attended the Melbourne 2022 Indian Film Festival. Shamshera, the actor’s most recent movie, had a poor box office performance. Ranbir Kapoor played the lead role in the historical drama directed by Karan Malhotra, which starred Sanjay Dutt as the adversary and was set in the 1800s. In a recent interview, Vaani spoke about her part in the movie and said, “I always choose roles where my character pivots the script in a certain direction, and in Shamshera too, Sona plays a crucial role in constructing the narrative. Sona has a strong will, is self-assured, and is a go-getter, yet she also has emotional weaknesses. She’s undoubtedly one of the most energising roles I’ve ever portrayed.
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