Twitter said on Monday it would expand its beta feature to allow users to flag misleading content on its social media platform to Brazil, Spain and the Philippines. The company launched a pilot test of the feature last August as part of an effort to reduce misinformation on its platform. It was first tested in the US, Australia and South Korea.
Since it was first announced, Twitter said it has received about 3 million reports from users who used it to flag tweets they believed violated its policies. The social media giant launched another program last year called Birdwatch, which lets participants write notes and provide additional context for misleading tweets, though those notes are kept on a separate website.
First, some users from the US, South Korea, and Australia could see a button to select “It’s misleading” after clicking “Report Tweet.” Users can then be more specific, flagging misleading tweets that may contain misinformation about “health,” “politics,” and “other.” “We’re testing a feature that lets you report tweets that appear to be misleading – as you can see,” the social network said in a tweet last August describing the feature.
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