Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Thursday accused previous governments of not paying attention to the state, claiming that the current Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) allocation has pushed the state’s economy from 6th to 2nd in the country. He is campaigning ahead of Uttar Pradesh’s first phase of parliamentary elections, and he also said the state has not seen riots or terror in the past five years.
“From 1947 to 2017, UP’s economy was ranked 6th, 7th in the country. No jobs for 70 years. But in just 5 years, we managed to help UP’s economy rank No. 2,” Adityanath said in a news release said at the meeting.
“UP is the first state to deploy female police officers in all gram panchayats to initiate joint patrols. It is also the first state to be free of riots and terror in the past 5 years and the first to use new technology to facilitate electronic prosecutions state,” he added.
The Chief Minister then laid out the steps his government has taken to tackle the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic.
“In the second wave, we built over 551 oxygen plants in light of the oxygen crisis. We also managed to contain the third wave. Over the past 15 days, the state’s active cases have dropped by about 60,000, “Adityanath said.
The chief minister and top BJP leader have been campaigning aggressively in the western region, with the first stage of voting to be held on February 10. Adityanath was in Mathura on Wednesday, where he lashed out at parties trying to challenge the BJP. upcoming elections and urged voters to put his party back in power.
He praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s handling of the pandemic and took responsibility for mass vaccinations to prevent a third wave.
The central leadership team has also deployed Union Home Minister Amit Shah and other senior leaders to campaign in western Uttar Pradesh.
Elections in Uttar Pradesh’s 403 parliamentary constituencies will be held in seven phases. Voting will take place in seven phases on February 10, 14, 20, 23, 27 and March 3 and 7. Counting will take place on March 10.
Complete News Source : Hindustan Times