The first day of the third Test match between South Africa and India lived up to the expectations generated by their earlier duels in the ongoing series. The ups and downs of Day 1 proved that the tiebreaker could well cap off an intense series. In addition to the class of South African bowlers on display, the visitors were led by the confident Virat Kohli, which was reflected in his movement, footwork and a mesmerizing array of strokes. However, the returning Indian skipper did find himself gossiping on the pitch in some cases. Such an incident occurred when Duanne Oliver’s bowling appealed against him for a massive behind-the-back.
DRS showed a tiny spike on the UltraEldge, however, further slow-motion playback captured the ball kissing the thigh pad rather than the bat.
As the visibly shocked Proteas players took hold, Kohli had a chat with opposition captain Dean Elgar, who shook his head in disappointment.
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