Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced on Friday that after some farmers in the country protested, the union government has decided to repeal the three agricultural laws passed by parliament in 2020. The decision was made several months before the five states that oppose agricultural laws, including Punjab and Uttar Pradesh, will hold parliamentary elections. “Today, I will tell you that across the country, we have decided to revoke all three agricultural laws.
At the parliamentary meeting that begins later this month, we will complete the constitutional procedures for abolishing these three agricultural laws,” the Prime Minister said in a televised speech. Say. Although the center continues to work hard to break the deadlock, some farmers in Punjab, Haryana, and certain areas of Uttar Pradesh have been protesting in the past year, demanding the abolition of the three agricultural laws.
The government held several rounds of talks with representatives of the protesting farmers and tried to emphasize the benefits they provide to small farmers, but the protesters still insisted on repealing all three laws: the Farmers’ Agricultural Products Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, the 2020 Price Guarantee The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement with the Farm Services Bill and the Basic Commodities (Amendment) Bill 2020, which were passed in the noise of Parliament during the monsoon session last year.
In his speech to the whole country, Prime Minister Modi said that unfortunately, although the government intends to strengthen and empower farmers, especially those with a small amount of land, many of them do not believe in the benefits of the law, and therefore , The government decided to initiate the process of repealing all three laws.
The Prime Minister stated that these bills are designed to benefit farmers, but “despite our best efforts” they still cannot believe it. Modi emphasized how his government prioritizes farmers’ welfare and drafted policies and interventions such as the introduction of soil health cards, crop insurance and credit cards to empower farmers.
“The agricultural budget has been increased by five times and a 1 billion rupees agricultural infrastructure fund has been set up… to enhance the capacity of smallholder farmers. 10,000 FPOs have been launched and 7,000 crore have been spent on it,” he said.
News Source : Hindustan Times