Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt were photographed at the airport on Sunday, leaving the town for their birthday. As Ranbir will flip 39 on September 28, it is reported that the lovebirds flew to Jodhpur for a personal celebration. Last year, Ranbir celebrated his birthday in Mumbai with his mother Neetu Kapoor, sisters Riddhima Kapoor Sahni and Alia. Several stories suggest that Ranbir and Alia take a look at the wedding venue for their upcoming wedding in Rajasthan. Strangely, last year, Ranbir revealed that if it were not for the pandemic, he would tie his girlfriend Alia Bhatt (Alia Bhatt). The actor has also said that he needs to complete his marriage goal as soon as possible. During the lockdown, Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor stayed together, and when Rishi Kapoor left in April 2020, the actress was like a pillar to help Kapoors.
She also accompanied Ranbir and Neetu Kapoor to oversee the development of Kapoor’s luxury bungalow Krishnaraj. Ranbir and Alia continue to provide information about his or her actual life romance, and the couple are also ready to deal with fans. Ranbir and Alia will soon appear in “Brahmastra” by Ayan Mukerji. This science fiction drama also starred Amitabha Bachchan, Dimple Kapadia, Nagarjuna and Muniroi. In addition, Ranbir also has “Shamshera” and “Animal”. And Alia Bhatt may appear in “Gangubai Kathiawadi”, “RRR”, “Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani”, “Darlings” and “Jee Le Zaraa”.
News Source : Backtrack