WhatsApp to soon start rewarding users with cashback for using the Payments feature. The messaging app had rolled out the Payments feature in India and Brazil first, and it is now testing the feature to reward the users in India. WhatsApp had previously added payment chat shortcuts to let users send money quickly.
Wabetainfo was the first one to spot the new cashback feature that WhatsApp is currently testing. The features tracker posted a screenshot that showed a new cashback banner at the top of the chat window. The banner read,” Get cashback on your next payment. Tap to get started”. It was not revealed whether users will get cashback after their first payment or before they make their first payment using the messaging app.
“It is not yet clear if everyone will be able to get the cashback or only users that have never sent a payment on WhatsApp, but WhatsApp is going to clarify this when the feature will be available. Note that this is limited to UPI Payments in India, you can only get one cashback and you might receive up to Rs 10 cashback for your payment (but this value may change before the official release of the feature,” the report by wabetainfo read..
The feature is currently under development now so the beta users may not be able to test it right away. However, once WhatsApp plans a stable rollout, the users in India can avail cashback for their payments. WhatsApp is yet to make an official announcement about the same. So till then, the information should be taken with a grain of salt.