Abhishek Bachchan celebrated his 46th birthday on Saturday. The actor has recently appeared in a slew of projects and even started shooting a new movie on his birthday. Abhishek, who is married to actor and former Miss World Aishwarya Rai, often faces questions about having a “famous wife” and “famous father” Amitabh Bachchan.
Aishwarya took over to answer similar questions in a joint interview for their 2010 film Raavan. The actor defended him on his behalf and was even called Abhishek’s “protector”.
In an interview with the BBC, Abhishek was asked if he would be overshadowed by having a very famous father and a very famous wife. Abhishek replied, “No, not at all.”
However, Aishwarya took over to answer the question in his defense. She added, “…despite the word ‘overshadowed’. I don’t think it’s fair to raise and impose this issue on him at every point in time because it simply isn’t. His work, various character, he’s very, very mature and has carved out a niche for himself.”
Taking her own example, she further added, “But the reason I interrupt is because the longest time I find myself being asked is, ‘You’re a model, you’re Miss World, so you find yourself just getting the role of you It’s this beautiful woman. “So it’s the same. It is this perception that is bigger than reality. The truth is we all do well. I’m sorry to interrupt. “
When the interviewer claimed she was “protecting” Abhishek, she replied: “No, it’s the truth. The truth has to be told.”
Abhishek shared a photo of the mahurat for Ghoomer on Instagram on his birthday, writing: “There’s no better birthday present! Best birthdays, work. Ghoomer. Spinning now!”
Amitabh Bachchan reacted to this in the comments section, writing: “Janmdin ki bahut saari badhai. Aur Ghoomer ke liye bhi. Ab jhande gaadne ka samay aagya hai (Many greetings for your birthday and for Ghoomer. Time to build some It’s a big deal.”
Complete News Source : Hindustan Times