During the first few days of the Flipkart Big Billion Days sale 2022, the Apple iPhone 13 was offered at the lowest price ever. With bank offers and discounts, customers were able to get the Apple iPhone 13 for less Rs 35,000 during the sale. Flipkart is giving customers a second chance to purchase the Apple iPhone 13 for one of the lowest prices ever, despite the fact that the smartphone was swiftly sold out during the sale and few people were able to take advantage of the offer. The Flipkart Big Dussehra Sale will start on October 5 and run through October 8 according to the e-commerce site. The Flipkart Big Dussehra Sale will start a day earlier for the Flipkart Plus users, just like the Flipkart Big Billion Days sale did.
The base 128GB Apple iPhone 13 model is currently listed on the platform for Rs 66,990, but it is anticipated to be discounted during the Flipkart Big Dussehra Sale. Due to a partnership between Flipkart and HDFC for the Big Dussehra Sale 2022, customers can significantly reduce the cost of premium Apple iPhone models. The Christmas sale will therefore provide buyers who use HDFC Bank credit or debit cards an instant 10% discount.
In addition to this, Flipkart is giving Rs 16,900 rebate on your old smartphone. When all the discounts from the Flipkart Big Dussehra Sale 2022 are added up, an Apple iPhone 13 may be purchased for less than Rs 50,000. Free EMI and screen damage protection is available.
You may recall that the Apple iPhone 13—along with the Apple iPhone 13 Pro and mini—were introduced last year with a starting price of Rs 79,900. Apple iPhone 13 models with 256GB and 512GB of storage are now available for Rs 79,900 and Rs 99,900, respectively.
The 6.1-inch Super Retina XDR display on the Apple iPhone 13 is driven by the company’s top-of-the-line A15 Bionic chipset. The smartphone has a dual 12-megapixel back camera arrangement that records in 4K Dolby Vision HDR. A 12MP TrueDepth front camera with Night mode is also included. According to the manufacturer, the device can play videos for up to 17 hours.
The starting pricing for Apple’s new iPhone 14 in India is Rs 79,900. The specifications of the new Apple iPhone 14 are essentially identical to those of the Apple iPhone 13 models. However, the ‘Pro’ versions in the Apple iPhone 14 series represent a significant change for the firm.
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