Pramila Bhatt has said that playing as a unit will be key for Team India in the upcoming Women’s 50-over World Cup. The tournament begins as New Zealand take on the West Indies on March 4 before all eight teams play each other once to decide the top four, with the winner crowned in Christchurch on April 3.
India’s women captain Mithali Raj, Jhulan Goswami, Smriti Mandhana, and Harmanpreet Kaur will play a huge part in determining the results of this Indian team. Australia, England and India will be the top three teams for me, one of them could win the World Cup, says ICC Women’s Cricket Performance Director (WPCR) Anil Bhatt.
The World Cup gets underway against Pakistan on March 6, with the final to be played in Bangalore later this month.
Complete News Source : Business Standard