The winter season has knocked. Due to the pink cold in the morning, neither leaving the warm bed nor does anyone feel like going anywhere. But work has to be done. For this, the body has to be prepared in such a way that one feels energetic throughout the day and also takes the mind to work. In such a situation, nothing can be better than yoga.
Yoga not only keeps our body fit but the mind is also always active. According to research, if a person does yoga asana for only 10 minutes peacefully, then he can work better all day. Let’s know in detail about these yoga asanas.
Supta Matsyendrasana is a very easy yoga practice. You can also do this asana by lying on the bed. The practice of this asana strengthens the spine and muscles. To perform supta Matsyendrasana, you should first lie down on flat ground Now keep both your hands at a 180-degree angle or shoulders. After this, bend your right leg with knees and lift it and rest on the left knee. Now while exhaling, lift the right ax and turn the back to the left side and bring the right knee down on the ground. During this time, both of your hands should remain in their place. Your head direction will be on the left side. Now repeat this action with your left leg. You can do this action 3 to 5 times.
2. Vajrayana
Vajrayana is done by sitting. In this, your spinal cord is in a straight line. To do this, first of all, sit with your two legs spread in front and keep the spinal cord in a straight line. With both your hands in front of the eyes, connect the front toes with the breath, go right as you breathe in, and exhale and return to the former position. Now this action has to be done on the left side. Do this 3 to 5 times. Do not show haste in doing it.
This asana is a very beneficial yoga practice and it is also very easy to do. To practice Pawanmuktasana lie down on the ground and keep in mind that both the feet are in a straight line and the hands are in the side. Taking a deep breath, release it, bring your knees towards the chest and press the thighs on your stomach. Fasten your hands around the legs in such a way that you are hinging your knees.