Title: Hatke, Zara Vicky Kaushal’s Film Zara Bachke: A Box Office Success, Now Faces Competition from Adipurush In the realm of Bollywood, the recent release of...
When Spirituality Meets Bollywood: Gaur Gopal Das at the Mumbai Residence of Hrithik, Rakesh, and Pinkie Roshan In a fascinating blend of spirituality and Bollywood, renowned...
Title: Bigg Boss: Redefining Innovation with the ‘Strange House’ Theme Introduction Reality television has always captured the imagination of audiences worldwide, with its unique blend of...
It’s been a while since we’ve seen Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone together in public, and fans are thrilled to see them back together again. The...
Kangana Ranaut was greeted by Abhishek Bachchan at the Uunchai screening, and Salman Khan and Bhagyashree joined Sooraj Barjatya. The event was held at the Jio...
Neena Gupta looked lovely in a saree at the Uunchai screening. Masaba Gupta believes she “killed” it. Group Media PublicationsEntertainment News Platforms – anyflix.in Construction Infrastructure...
It seems that exes can indeed put their differences aside for the sake of their craft. According to Bollywood director Imtiaz Ali, both Ranbir Kapoor and...
On Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 10, Ajay Devgn and Tabu teased each other about Tabu’s preference for “bald boys.” Ajay Devgn joked that he would have to...
Adipurush director Om Raut and dialogue writer Manoj Muntashir address criticism. The film stars Prabhas as Raghava, Kriti Sanon as Janaki and Saif Ali Khan as...
Deepika Padukone was spotted at the Kalina airport in Mumbai on Saturday morning. The actor had attended the Paris Fashion Week with her parents. She was...