Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone, who is currently in her home town Bengaluru, has reportedly tested positive for COVID-19. The rest of her family members, including her...
The speed of new cases of coronavirus in India is increasing day by day. Everyday Corona is creating a new record of cases. In the last...
The second wave of Coronavirus has spread panic in the country. The number of new Corona patients and deaths from Covid continues to rise every day....
The second wave of coronavirus infection has caused havoc to India. In the past 24 hours, there have been 3,52,991 new cases of infection from all...
Despite the addition of 13 crores Corona vaccines across the country, the epidemic crisis is not taking its name. Every day Corona figures are setting new...
The second wave of uncontrolled coronavirus in the country continues to wreak havoc. The huge increase in the number of new Corona patients and deaths from...
The Chhattisgarh government has made the Covid-19 test mandatory for all passengers coming from outside at the state’s airports, railway stations, bus bases, and inter-state borders....
In view of the worsening situation of Corona virus infection in the country, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday held a meeting with the governors of...
Coronavirus Cases in India cases in the country are setting new records every day. According to data released on Wednesday by the Health Ministry, 1,84,372 new...
Corona continues to wreak havoc. Every day Corona records are being filed in India. Due to increasing cases of the corona, restrictions have been imposed in...