India has reported 1,94,720 new coronavirus infections in the past 24 hours, bringing its total number of Covid-19 cases to 3,60,70,510, including 4,868 cases of the...
India saw a single-day rise of 1,79,723 coronavirus infections taking the total tally to 3,57,07,727, including 4,033 cases of the Omicron variant reported across 27 states...
Delhi is one of the regions in India that has been badly affected by the resurgence of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19). Daily Covid-19 records in the...
Amazon told employees on Friday that under the latest U.S. health guidelines, they only need to quarantine for a week after testing positive for COVID-19, not...
India reported another massive spike in 1,79,723 coronavirus disease (Covid-19) cases on Monday as variants of Omicron continued to spread rapidly in the country, according to...
The Supreme Court on Friday gave the Centre a month to respond to a petition for classifying religious minorities based on their population in each state...
Trinamool Congress (TMC) hinted on Friday that it may form an alliance with other opposition parties in Goa before the upcoming poll with party MP Mahua...
The Omicron variant has been causing a surge in the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) infection across the world. The number of hospitalisations is less, but the spread...
The Union Ministry of Health said eligible groups – healthcare workers, front-line workers and people over 60 with comorbidities – have received two doses of the...
According to a report from the Sydney Morning Herald on Friday, New South Wales, Australia, which is home to Sydney and one-third of Australia’s 25 million...