Actor Kangana Ranaut has released the trailer of the much awaited film Emergency. Taking to X (formerly Twitter) on Monday, Kangana posted the less than two-minute-long trailer. Zee...
India were all-out for 46 runs in 31.2 overs, floored by Matt Henry’s nagging length and seam movement, tall O’Rourke’s lifting deliveries and Southee’s swing There...
Game Freak faces a significant data breach, leaking over a terabyte of sensitive information, including assets from the upcoming 24th Pokemon movie Game Freak, the studio...
The 18-year-old Indian GM believes his age offers him the advantage of energy and the ability to focus for extended periods Bengaluru: It’s perhaps not the most...
Chintan Shivir, Congress’ brainstorming session, begins today in Udaipur, Rajasthan’s lake city. The three-day conclave’s main goal is to come up with a solid action plan...
India have been the only constant in ICC U19 World Cup finals since 2016, on the contrary their opponents in the summit clash have been different...