Mumbai police said on Tuesday that the main defendant was detained in Uttarakhand in the case of the “Bulli Bai” application for a false online auction...
Delhi will soon have a fleet of electric buses. On Monday, Transport Minister Kailash Gahlot shared a photo of the first prototype car that arrived in...
After decades of research and development, NASA finally launched the James Webb telescope last Christmas. The historic launch was successful after some delays, but this was...
Quadrantids are here to welcome the new year. The annual meteor shower will reach its peak after 2:00 tomorrow morning, and about 80 meteors can be...
The sales figures for December 2021 show that Tata Motors has taken the second place from Hyundai Motors. Tata Motors sold 35,299 units, while Hyundai Motors...
Officials of the West Bengal State Opinion Survey Group stated that elections in the four cities of West Bengal will be held on January 22 as...
Officials of the West Bengal State Opinion Survey Group stated that elections in the four cities of West Bengal will be held on January 22 as...
According to the latest news from the Alliance Ministry of Health, India reported a sharp increase in the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) infection rate for the sixth...
The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) stated that it is expected that by January 9th, northwest India will experience cloudy skies, lower-than-normal daytime temperatures and extensive rainfall,...
The Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) Tan Desai reiterated that “if we end inequality together”, the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic will end in 2022....