Bollywood’s timeless duo, Kajol and Shah Rukh Khan, have delivered some of the most iconic performances on screen, and their chemistry continues to be cherished by...
For the final day of the Durga Puja celebrations in 2022, Kajol and Rani Mukerji donned gorgeous ethnic ensembles. When the actors showed up at their...
Kajol has discussed how the concept of celebrity has changed as a result of superstars in cinema and television using social media more frequently. The actor...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which oversees the annual Oscars, has released the names of those who will be invited in 2022. 397...
On Wednesday night in Mumbai, actor Rani Mukerji was spotted at filmmaker Karan Johar’s 50th birthday party. She posed with her BFF Karan outside the party...
A loyal fanclub of hers shared a picture of the ‘star kid’ on Instagram. It was possibly clicked at her 19th birthday party, which was on...
Saba Ali Khan Pataudi has confirmed that Karisma Kapoor has tested positive for coronavirus. She shared a collage of her picture and that of Karisma’s and...
Popular actress Mahima Chaudhary of the 90s is in the news these days. Mahima Chaudhary was given the first chance in films by the famous producer-director...
Artists: Ajay Devgan, Saif Ali Khan, Kajol, Sharad Kelkar, Neha Sharma, Padmavati Rao, Shashank Shendet Director: Om Raut Movie Type: History, Drama Duration: 2 hours 15...