Kiara Advani attended an event recently. She wore a bodycon dress, which is worth ₹1,75,700.Kiara Advani attended an event on October 16. The actor wore a white...
Kiara Advani is having a great time at Cannes 2024! The actress is ecstatic for all the right reasons—personally and professionally. We can’t stop admiring the...
Kiara Advani recently attended the Women In Cinema Gala at the 77th Cannes Film Festival, marking her first Cannes appearance. In an interview with Film Companion,...
Advani Kiara At Cannes 2024: Kiara Advani, an Indian actress, turned heads at the 77th Cannes Film Festival with her stunning arrival in a gown featuring...
Cannes 2024: Soon, fans will see Kiara Advani make her red carpet debut at the Cannes Film Festival. Kiara was spotted arriving at the Mumbai airport...