JK Rowling, whose Harry Potter book franchise gave Warner Bros a blockbuster film franchise, is also associated with its upcoming HBO series. JK Rowling has remained decidedly...
Tom Holland, last seen in Apple TV show The Crowded Room last year, has signed his next with Academy Award-winning filmmaker Christopher Nolan. Tom Holland is going...
Sony Pictures made a splash at this year’s New York Comic Con by showcasing new footage for its upcoming film Karate Kid: Legends. Sony Pictures made...
Game Freak faces a significant data breach, leaking over a terabyte of sensitive information, including assets from the upcoming 24th Pokemon movie Game Freak, the studio...
Kushi is the title of Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Vijay Deverakonda’s upcoming multilingual project. Samantha announced the title of the film and the poster on Instagram...
Ram Charan is currently shooting for Shankar’s upcoming film in Amritsar, Punjab. A video clip of Ram Charan being mobbed by fans on the sets of...