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Can resistance exercise help you get better sleep? Here’s what study suggests



Can resistance exercise help you get better sleep? Here’s what study suggests

Resistance exercise may be superior to aerobic exercise as a way to get better sleep, and sleep is important for cardiovascular health. More than a third of Americans don’t get enough sleep on a regular basis, according to the study. The study was published in the journal, ‘American Health Association’.

The study is one of the largest and longest exercise trials in a general adult population to directly compare the effects of different types of exercise on multiple sleep parameters. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee Scientific Report identified the need for more research into resistance exercise and sleep outcomes.

Not getting enough sleep is linked to weight gain, diabetes and inflammation, all of which can worsen cardiovascular disease. Sleeping too much or too little also has been shown to increase the risk of stroke, heart attack and death. The recommended amount for adults is seven to eight hours a day, according to the American Heart Association.

Complete News Source : Hindustan Times



Navratri 2023: 8 great advantages to eating sattvik cuisine while fasting




Navratri 2023: 8 great advantages to eating sattvik cuisine while fasting

Navratri, a vibrant and spiritually significant festival, is celebrated with fervor across India. During this period, many people observe fasting and turn to sattvik cuisine to nourish their bodies and souls. Sattvik cuisine is characterized by its purity, simplicity, and focus on natural, plant-based ingredients. In this blog, we’ll explore the numerous advantages of consuming sattvik food during Navratri fasting.

  1. Spiritual Upliftment

Sattvik cuisine is an integral part of the spiritual practices during Navratri. The pure, simple, and natural ingredients in sattvik food are believed to help cleanse the body and mind, promoting a sense of purity and spiritual upliftment.

  1. Increased Vitality

Sattvik foods emphasize fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and dairy products. These ingredients are nutrient-dense and provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals, offering increased vitality and energy during fasting.

  1. Enhanced Digestion

The sattvik diet is easy to digest and light on the stomach. It includes foods such as sabudana (tapioca pearls), fruits, and root vegetables, which are gentler on the digestive system, helping to maintain overall well-being during fasting.

  1. Balanced Nutrition

Sattvik cuisine aims to strike a balance between various food groups, providing the body with a well-rounded nutrition profile. This ensures that fasting individuals receive all the necessary nutrients to stay healthy.

  1. Mental Clarity

The purity and simplicity of sattvik food are believed to have a positive impact on mental clarity and focus. It is thought to help reduce distractions and promote a peaceful state of mind, which is conducive to spiritual reflection and meditation.

  1. Detoxification

Sattvik cuisine often involves avoiding processed foods, excess spices, and stimulants. This helps the body detoxify, eliminating toxins and promoting overall health during the fasting period.

  1. Reduced Inflammation

The sattvik diet predominantly consists of anti-inflammatory foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs. This can help reduce inflammation and promote a sense of well-being.

  1. Holistic Wellness

Ultimately, the advantages of sattvik cuisine during Navratri fasting extend beyond physical health. The focus on purity and simplicity promotes a holistic sense of wellness, addressing the spiritual, mental, and emotional aspects of an individual’s life.

Navratri is a time for introspection, devotion, and fasting, and sattvik cuisine aligns perfectly with these principles. The advantages of eating sattvik food during this period go beyond physical health and nourishment, extending to mental clarity, spiritual upliftment, and holistic well-being.

For those observing Navratri fasting, embracing sattvik cuisine can be a meaningful and enriching experience, providing a path to deeper spiritual connection and a sense of rejuvenation. Whether you choose to fast during Navratri or simply wish to explore the benefits of sattvik cuisine, the principles of purity, simplicity, and natural ingredients can contribute to a healthier and more balanced life.

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