Adipurush is an upcoming epic historical drama film, directed by Om Raut. The film stars Prabhas and Saif Ali Khan. The film is produced by Bhushan...
It’s so sweet to see Neetu Kapoor showering her granddaughter Riddhima Kapoor and great-granddaughter Samara Sahni with love and affection! She recently posted some pictures of...
Priyanka Chopra is a well-known Indian actress who has made a name for herself in Hollywood. Recently, she was spotted in Delhi collecting autographs from fans....
The head of the BCCI, Roger Binny, responded forcefully to Afridi and a Pakistani reporter’s claim that the ICC was biased in favour of India. He...
Ashwin is one of the most successful bowlers in the world, and he has been crucial to India’s success in recent years. However, he came under...
When an Indian fan asked Pakistani cricket legend Wasim Akram how many test matches he had played, Akram’s response was simple but powerful: “Aapke waha to”...
It was a tough day for Bangladesh cricket fans as their team lost to India on Virat Kohli’s birthday. However, Gautam Gambhir had a change of...
The South African cricket team is set to take on Pakistan in the T20 World Cup in 2022. This will be the first time the two...
Are you looking for ways to help your children learn responsibility? Here are 5 methods that you can use to help them out: 1. Encourage them...
If you’re looking for your daily dose of horoscopes, you’ve come to the right place! Here’s what the stars have in store for you on November...