Game of Thrones actor Kit Harington, who famously portrayed Jon Snow, acknowledges that he finds it difficult to watch the...
India recorded 45,231 new cases of COVId-19 in the last 24 hours, government data shows. The daily case count was 3.6 per cent lower than yesterday’s...
Every day cases of COVID-19 are increasing in India (Coronavirus India Report). The number of infected has reached about 82 lakhs. According to the data released...
Earth is important for a close planetary system where a few planets rotate around a star. It is the draw of the Sun that is keeping...
U.S. President Donald Trump’s variations with rival presidential candidate Joe Biden increase some distance past planet earth.President Trump’s plans to win the race in area name...
DU’s Executive Council Thursday determined to provoke motion towards appointees of suspended V-C Yogesh Tyagi and institute a fact-locating committee to probe the activities that brought...
The latest version of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, which featured a debatable cool animated film of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has brought gasoline to...
As the winters begin to creep in on North India, the waning mercury guarantees a right away surge in a lethal blend of smoke and fog,...
Two of the world’s richest guys are duking it out over a brick-and-mortar retail chain at the verge of default. But with regards to the combat...
French president Emmanuel Macron vowed his united states of america might stand corporation towards non secular extremists after a knife-wielding guy killed 3 human beings at...
The Indian Navy on Friday efficaciously check-fired an Anti-Ship Missile (AshM) from its Guided Missile Corvette INS Kora. According to the Indian Navy, the missile that...