Bigg Boss Tamil 8 premiered on Vijay Television, hosted by Vijay Sethupathi, featuring a diverse cast including actors, VJs, and social media influencers. Ravindar Chandrasekaran: Ravindar...
Title: Bigg Boss OTT Day 2: The Intensifying Love Triangle and Avinash’s Unexpected Twist Introduction: Bigg Boss OTT continues to captivate viewers with its intriguing dynamics...
During their time on Bigg Boss 13, Rashami Desai and Devoleena Bhattacharjee were almost inseparable. However, when they reentered the contentious reality show during season 15...
Bigg Boss 15 may be over, but its shenanigans aren’t yet! The hugely successful show ended on a high note on Sunday, January 30, with Tejasswi...
In the upcoming episode of Bigg Boss 15, Rashami Desai and Devoleena Bhattacharjee will be seen locking the horns while on a mission. At one point,...
It is believed that the relationship between Bigg Boss 15 players Karan Kundrra and Tejasswi Prakash has lasted for several weeks, but the relationship between the...
So far we have seen him tenaciously supporting Jasmin Bhasin via online media and taking on her doubters from outside the Bigg Boss house. We currently...
Fans are very excited about ‘Bigg Boss 14’. There is a lot of discussions about which celebrities will be included as contestants in the 14th season....
Salman Khan is going to leave the Big Boss 13 show soon. Yes, it is reported that due to the shooting of Radhey, Salman Khan will...
Siddharth Shukla and Rashmi Desai are the biggest enemies in the Bigg boss house from day 1. But things are getting changed as they both are...