Kapil Sharma’s show featured Narayana and Sudha Murthy, who shared lighthearted moments, including Sudha joking about her husband. This week on The Great Indian Kapil Show, host Kapil...
On June 16, Tokyo Revengers formally declared the anime’s revival. To promote the sequel, a promotional teaser was also posted to YouTube. The publication of the...
The main focus of media attention has been the Renukaswamy murder case, in which actors Darshan and Pavithra Gowda, a friend of Darshan’s, are the primary...
According to authorities, actor Noor Malabika Das, who starred alongside Kajol in the 2023 web series The Trial, was discovered dead in her Mumbai apartment on...
In a few weeks, Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 11 will be released. Although the manga by Masashi Kishimoto and Mikio Ikemoto follows an atypical path...
Recently, Kai Cenat made good on a sincere pledge by travelling to Taiwan to witness his good buddy and devoted fan Ray’s graduation. Over the years,...
This week’s top 5 OTT releases to watch: Don’t worry if you want to avoid going to the movies during the current, deadly heatwave. Many films...
According to reports, Jennifer Garner is lending her ex-husband Ben Affleck a hand. According to numerous reports, Lopez is confiding in Garner in an attempt to...
After going missing on April 22 of this year, actor Gurucharan Singh made his way back home on Friday. The Delhi Police were cited in an...
Even though Oscar winner AR Rahman is now well-known in the music business, there was a period when he struggled financially to establish his studio. In...