Doctor Strange is the second-best performing foreign film in terms of advance bookings for day one behind Spider-Man: No Way Home. The film has reportedly earned...
Channing Tatum was ready to play superhero years ago. After the project was launched in 2016, the actor has signed on to make a solo film...
There are exactly seven good villains in the Marvel Cinematic Universe movie (if you count the show, there is one more). For a franchise with 27...
फिल्म गुंडा से पहचान बनाने वाले एक्टर हरीश पटेल नई फिल्म को लेकर चर्चे में बने हुए हैं। हरीश , मार्वल स्टूडियोज की फिल्म Eternals में काम...