Hrishikesh Pandey is known for playing Inspector Sachin on hit television show CID. He was robbed of cash and other personal belongings in Mumbai. The actor...
In the presence of Union Minister of Information and Broadcasting Anurag Thakur, Doordarshan won the best in-depth Hindi series award 2022 at the Exchange4media News Broadcasting...
Sangram Singh opens up on Payal Rohatgi’s encounter with a tantrik. Payal had revealed that she once got a “vashikaran puja” to boost her career. Sangram...
Aman Gupta, one of the sharks of TV show Shark Tank (India), has talked about wearing his company’s T-shirt to malls and airports. The co-founder and...
The OnePlus Nord CE 2 5G was launched in India today alongside the company’s latest smart TV models, the OnePlus TV Y1S and OnePlus TV Y1S...
Sushant Singh Rajput, who switched from television to film in 2013, has talked about his fallback plans if his debut fails to sign for a film....
Congressman Lok Sabha Shashi Tharoor resigned as the host of the talk show “Straightforward” on Sansad TV on Monday. In a statement issued on Monday, Thaoor...
It looks like OnePlus is finally ready to take the fight to Xiaomi, Realme and other budget smart TV makers operating in the Indian market. After...
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Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui.