Zoya Akhtar has unveiled the first official trailer for her upcoming film Archies. The show will star Shah Rukh Khan’s daughter Suhana Khan, Sridevi’s younger daughter...
Kareena Kapoor Khan, an actress, is a fitness fanatic. You’ll agree after seeing her countless posts about yoga sessions with celebrity trainer Anshuka Parwani. Furthermore, the...
Our friends at UNESCO agree that we love books. World Book Day was proposed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization as a day...
DuckDuckGo, a privacy-focused search engine, has released a new macOS browser in beta. DuckDuckGo for Mac, like its mobile app, is an all-in-one privacy solution for...
The United States recognises that India and Russia are “natural allies” with stable ties, but India will not allow its relationship with a third country to...
The speaker must follow the court’s order in letter and spirit, or else there will be political chaos at the country’s top level. The former cricketer...
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy will have talks in Kyiv on Friday with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. Ukraine’s president urged Europe to take a...
US President Joe Biden said Russian President Vladimir Putin might have fired many of his advisors or put them under house arrest as the country is...
In 2006, India played in five one-day internationals and four Tests in West Indies. They faced a devastating 1-4 loss in the ODIs but won the...
Hawkins was drummer for the rock band Foo Fighters. His death is being called a “tragic and untimely loss”. No details about how Hawkins died were...