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SpaceX’s Cargo Dragon Delivers Christmas Gifts, Feasts To Astronauts In Space



SpaceX’s Cargo Dragon Delivers Christmas Gifts, Feasts To Astronauts In Space

Astronauts try different experiments in space
In the most exciting experiment, NASA sent astronauts bioprinted bandages and detergents for use in space. According to the agency, bioprinting can be used to print tissue structures using living cells and biomolecules. This technological breakthrough will speed up the healing process, as the bioprinter will create a tissue-forming patch that uses the person’s own skin cells to cover the wound. NASA’s Mark Garcia wrote in his blog: “In future missions to the moon and Mars, bioprinting of this customized patch can help resolve wound healing changes that may occur in space and complicate treatment.”

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Another exciting scientific experiment is to study the decontamination components of detergents, which help to wash clothes in space to improve their reusability. The agency worked with Procter & Gamble (P&G) to design a fully degradable detergent called Tide Infinity that can be used under zero gravity conditions. Interestingly, the successful operation of this cleaning agent in space will produce new cleaning methods on Earth, which are feasible even when resources are scarce. Other scientific experiments include analyzing and monitoring the development of plant shoots and roots under microgravity, as well as assessing the reduction of human immunity and the risk of space infection.

Complete News Source : REPUBLICWORLD.COM

health and remedies

Patterns of behaviour that emerge after trauma



Patterns of behaviour that emerge after trauma

Trauma is a deeply distressing or disturbing experience that can leave a lasting impact on a person’s mental and emotional health. It can result from a range of events, such as natural disasters, accidents, physical or emotional abuse, or military combat. Trauma can have a significant effect on a person’s behavior and can manifest in various ways. Here are some patterns of behavior that often emerge after trauma:

  1. Hyperarousal: After experiencing trauma, a person may feel constantly on edge, with heightened levels of anxiety and tension. This can manifest as irritability, restlessness, and difficulty sleeping.
  2. Avoidance: Trauma can also cause a person to avoid situations, people, or places that remind them of the traumatic experience. This can lead to social withdrawal, isolation, and a loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities.
  3. Emotional numbness: Trauma can cause a person to feel emotionally disconnected or numb, making it difficult for them to experience positive emotions such as joy or love.
  4. Hypervigilance: A person who has experienced trauma may be hyper-aware of their surroundings and perceive threats where none exist. This can lead to an increased sense of danger, which can trigger anxiety or panic attacks.
  5. Flashbacks: Trauma can cause a person to experience vivid and intrusive memories of the traumatic event. These flashbacks can be triggered by a range of stimuli, such as sights, sounds, or smells.
  6. Guilt and shame: Trauma can cause a person to experience feelings of guilt, shame, and self-blame. They may feel responsible for what happened to them, even when it was beyond their control.
  7. Substance abuse: Trauma can lead to the use of drugs or alcohol as a way of coping with difficult emotions. This can quickly become a self-destructive pattern of behavior that exacerbates the trauma.

It’s important to note that not everyone who experiences trauma will display all of these behaviors, and that each person’s response to trauma is unique. However, recognizing these patterns of behavior can help individuals and their loved ones identify when trauma may be a contributing factor to mental and emotional health challenges. Seeking professional support, such as therapy or counseling, can help individuals process their trauma and learn healthy coping mechanisms to manage their behavior.

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