Aamir Khan, an actor, and his family are apparently preparing to celebrate Zeenat Hussain’s 90th birthday in Mumbai with more than 200 guests who are traveling from various places. On June 13, Zeenat, a source of strength for the family, will turn ninety years old. Aamir’s Mumbai home will host the lavish birthday celebration, according to a story from The Indian Express.
Party will be attended by family and friends from all around India.
“Aamir Khan will fly in 200+ family members and friends from different cities to celebrate his mother’s birthday on June 13th,” a source close to the actor told the portal. She hasn’t felt well for more than a year. Everyone wanted to hold a big get-together now that she was healthy and recovered.
Despite his mother’s poor health, Aamir was with her.
According to reports, Aamir, the late Tahir Hussain and Zeenat’s son, relocated to Chennai last year when his mother was receiving medical attention there. Aamir remained at a hotel near the hospital where Zeenat was receiving treatment, according to people cited in a 2023 India Today article. This arrangement allowed the actor to be close to Zeenat when she needed it.
Aamir stated at a gathering earlier in 2023 that in addition to acting and producing movies, he wanted to spend more time with his family.
“So this evening at Aamir Khan’s place looked like this,” the writer wrote. commemorated the mother of Aamir Ji’s 89th birthday. We have never experienced love, kindness, or benefits like this. I sincerely appreciate @shankar.mahadevan sir’s advice. Always appreciative.
Zeenat’s eightieth birthday festivities
Aamir’s close friends joined him and his family earlier in 2023 to celebrate Zeenat’s 89th birthday. The actor’s Mumbai residence was the venue for the celebration, and Punjabi singer Pratibha Singh Baghel, who performed there, posted pictures from the event on Instagram.
“So this evening at Aamir Khan’s place looked like this,” the writer wrote. commemorated the mother of Aamir Ji’s 89th birthday. We have never experienced love, kindness, or benefits like this. I sincerely appreciate @shankar.mahadevan sir’s advice. Always appreciative.
In June 2024, Aamir Khan celebrated his mother Zeenat Hussain’s 90th birthday with a grand gathering at his Mumbai residence. The event saw over 200 family members and friends flying in from various cities, including Bengaluru, Lucknow, and Mysore, to honor Zeenat’s milestone.
Aamir stated at a gathering earlier in 2023 that in addition to the all the best to come off cuttig acting and producing movies, he wanted to spend more time with his family.
Hindustan Times
The celebration was a testament to the close-knit nature of the Khan family, with Aamir ensuring that relatives from different parts of India could join the festivities. The event was marked by heartfelt moments, with family members sharing memories and expressing their love and gratitude towards Zeenat.
The 90th birthday celebration not only highlighted Zeenat Hussain’s significant role in the Khan family’s life but also showcased the deep bonds that tie them together. Aamir Khan’s efforts to bring together such a large gathering underscored the importance of family and tradition in his life.
Aamir Khan, an actor, and his family are apparently preparing to celebrate Zeenat Hussain’s 90th birthday in Mumbai with more than 200 guests who are traveling from various places. On June 13, Zeenat, a source of strength for the family, will turn ninety years old. Aamir’s Mumbai home will host the lavish birthday celebration, according to a story from The Indian Express.
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