On Sunday, the first glimpse of actor Ajith Kumar from Adhik Ravichandran’s Good Bad Ugly was quietly shared. Fans who were accustomed to production companies promising new updates for days were taken aback by the abrupt reduction. But according to a TOI article, Ajith had a very good reason for doing it.
Ajith desires to treat his followers.
According to the TOI report, it was decided on May 3 that the movie will begin production on May 10. According to the article, 700 workers completed the installation of sets in three locations in seven days, with the work completed by May 9.
Ajith made the decision to unveil his first look from the movie after heading to the sets in order to reward the diligent team with selfies and avoid unintentionally leaking his look. And Ajith may take as many selfies as he wants now that his peculiar appearance from the movie is out there.
“The crew (of Good Bad Ugly) were eager to take selfies with Ajith, but the team had to keep declining because he was in a new look and they were concerned the look might get leaked,” the report claims a source from the film’s unit.
Ajith thought they should share the first look immediately so he could fulfil the workers’ requests for selfies, because they worked so hard to put up the sets in record time. This explains why there was little promotion for the initial look’s introduction.
Adhik expressed his admiration for Ajith by posting his first glimpse from the movie on his X (formerly Twitter) and commenting, “I’m working with the most versatile performer ever, who can deliver Good Bad Ugly at the same time.”
Placing banners in theatres and putting my Star poster in my cupboard are examples of the magical things in life. Presenting this first look poster as a fan boy director as well as a fan boy. I’m grateful, Universe and Kadavule. #Ajith, gentleman. @MythriOfficial, @SureshChandraa, #Naveen, #Ravi, and #Dinesh, sirs.
Ajith Kumar, the beloved Tamil superstar, has once again captured the hearts of his fans with a heartwarming gesture. The actor, who is known for his down-to-earth personality and genuine connection with his fans.
shared his first appearance from the highly anticipated film Good Bad Ugly. In addition to unveiling his look from the movie, Ajith took the opportunity to interact with fans by posing for selfies, further strengthening his bond with his supporters.
According to reports, Ajith, who is known for his intense roles and charismatic screen presence, made an unexpected yet delightful decision to spend some time with his fans on the sets of Good Bad Ugly.
Instead of keeping a distance, he welcomed fans to capture a moment with him, making the experience unforgettable for many. Fans flocked to meet the actor, eager to snap a selfie with their favorite star, and Ajith graciously obliged, making the event feel like a personal and intimate interaction.
Ajith’s appearance from Good Bad Ugly has also stirred excitement, with his fans eagerly discussing his new look. The film is expected to be an action-packed thriller, and Ajith’s fans are buzzing with anticipation to see him in yet another powerful role.
This act of kindness has further endeared Ajith Kumar to his fans, who admire not only his acting skills but also his humility and warmth. continues him apart as one of Tamil cinema’s most beloved stars.
AjithKumar #GoodBadUgly #FanSelfies #TamilCinema #SuperstarAjith #Humility #MovieLook #FanLove #SouthIndianCinema #CelebrityConnection
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