Film actor Kamal Rashid Khan (KRK), who was in the news due to his strange statements, was outraged by Salman Khan. KRK often makes fun of...
Under the central government’s ambitious Central Vista project, a large defence enclave will be built for top officials and personnel of the defense sector. Official sources...
The survey work of New Delhi-Varanasi National High Speed Rail Corridor has been completed using Light Detection and Raging Survey (LIDAR) technology. Now the team of...
Black fungus patients have increased to 500 in Delhi. There is also a severe shortage of injections used in the treatment of black fungus in the...
Instead of “chasing money and stardom”, actor Saif Ali Khan talks about experimenting with different projects and making interesting career choices. He said, “There came a...
A recently sold diamond has set the record for the world’s largest auction ever. The 15.81-carat Purple-Pink Diamond is sold in Hong Kong for US $...
In view of corona infection, the duration of Corona Curfew imposed in Himachal Pradesh has been extended to 31 May. This decision was taken in the...
Amazon Prime Video’s web series ‘The Family Man 2’ continues to grow wildly. This time a wave of protest has arisen from South India, where political...
Foreign pharma companies Pfizer and Moderna have also refused to provide the vaccine to the Delhi government. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal himself has informed about...
Union Health Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan today held the 27th meeting of the Group of Ministers regarding the situation of Corona epidemic in the country. Union...