On Thursday morning, the first trailer for the upcoming comedy Double XL starring Sonakshi Sinha and Huma Qureshi was unveiled. The brief 30-second trailer, which showcases...
The actor Aahana S. Kumra is eager to take on roles that will allow her to bear them on her shoulder. “I’m looking for meaty jobs....
Hush Hush, a new thriller on Prime Video, immediately reminded me of Big Little Lies in its initial teaser video. Both programmes feature female high-society pals...
On Thursday, Gouri Khan made her first appearance on the coffee couch in 17 years. The interior designer, who is also Shah Rukh Khan’s wife, was...
Actress Taapsee Pannu became irate with the paparazzi as they surrounded her and appeared to press her for information about the late comedian Raju Srivastava. Taapsee...
After weeks of rumours, hoopla, and fan initiatives, RRR was not chosen as India’s official entry for the upcoming Academy Awards. Instead, the Gujarati film Chhello...
The year is 1984 and the Prime Minister of India is assassinated by her Sikh guards. As a result, members of the Sikh community start getting...
On Monday, Rubina Dailaik shared snippets from the Khatron Ke Khiladi 12 grand finale on her Instagram account. She posed alongside Varun Sharma, Ranveer Singh, and...
Actress Sandhya Mridul had to deal with comments like “You look vampish,” “Yaar aapki body nahi hai,” “Thoda voluptuous chahiye hota hai,” and “Aap ye laga...
In their next film Doctor G, actors Ayushmann Khurrana and Rakul Preet Singh will play doctors. The movie’s trailer was made public on Tuesday. Sheeba Chaddha...