One of the most watched animated superhero series in India is Chhota Bheem. The narrative is currently slated to make its big-screen debut as an exciting...
Mumbai overcame Vidarbha by 169 runs in the Wankhede Stadium final on Thursday to end an eight-year drought for a record-tying 42nd Ranji Trophy victory. Vidarbha...
People with obesity and end-stage renal disease (ESRD) now have new hope thanks to a combined study conducted by a bariatric and transplant surgery team. The...
In their ongoing legal dispute over who owns a French vineyard, Brad Pitt wins once more, paving the way for judicial action.A new update is released...
It’s obvious that Brad Pitt has the upper hand in “War of the Roses.” According to the most recent court decision, Pitt is in the lead...
The structure for Nadigar Sangam, or the South India Artists’ Association, is now complete thanks to the kind donations of actors Vijay and Kamal Haasan. In...
The actors Nayanthara and Malaika Arora used Instagram to give fans a behind-the-scenes look at their experiences at the Jeddah Grand Prix. Nayanthara and Malaika Arora...
Yashasvi Jaiswal, the opening player for India, was awarded the ICC Player of the Month for February 2024 on Tuesday. The left-handed hitter received recognition for...
Animation has featured Awkwafina before. She is a professional rapper as well, and she has provided the voice of several series, including Raya and the Last...
There’s Ed Sheeran in India! On Tuesday, the musician startled his followers by posting a video of himself visiting a Mumbai school on Instagram Reels. In...