The Kashmir Files,” directed by Vivek Agnihotri, has ignited significant controversy and conversation since its release. The film, which depicts the tragic exodus of Kashmiri Pandits...
Bollywood has always been synonymous with drama, emotions, and, of course, romance. While love stories and romantic ballads have been the staple of the industry for...
In a world where celebrity lives are often closely scrutinized and played out in front of the public eye, there are moments when their lives intersect...
The iconic Amitabh Bachchan, the Shahenshah of Bollywood, recently celebrated another milestone birthday, and the special occasion was nothing short of grandeur and magnificence. What made...
The much-anticipated trailer for “Ganapath” has left audiences in awe, offering a glimpse into a dystopian world of CGI wonders and jaw-dropping action sequences. Starring the...
In a candid revelation, renowned actor Abhinav Shukla has spoken out about the challenges and hurdles that come with fame, notably the increasing prevalence of online...
In recent weeks, a high-profile scandal involving the Mahadev betting app has taken center stage, capturing the attention of not only the public but also investigative...
In a bustling metropolis like Mumbai, life moves at a rapid pace, and often, unexpected events can take a dramatic turn. Recently, a video surfaced online...
The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has once again taken the world by storm with the highly anticipated release of “Loki” Season 2. Fans of the mischievous...
In the glittering world of Bollywood, the Khan family is nothing short of legendary. Shah Rukh Khan, often referred to as the “King of Bollywood,” and...