The Telugu cinema industry finds itself embroiled in yet another drug controversy, stirring up significant upheaval and speculation among industry insiders and fans alike. Recent allegations...
Renowned Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut has stirred controversy yet again with the release of a teaser for her upcoming film “Emergency.” The recently unveiled teaser has...
In an exclusive interview, Aashiesh Sharrma, known for his role in the popular TV series ‘Siya Ke Ram,’ has voiced strong criticism against the upcoming film...
Actor Vijay Varma, known for his notable performances and charismatic presence, has been drawing attention from curious fans whenever he travels alone, with many inquiries revolving...
Parenthood is a profound experience filled with anticipation, excitement, and unconditional love. However, the journey to becoming parents can sometimes take unexpected turns, as TV actors...
Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah” has been a beloved sitcom in the Indian television industry, entertaining audiences with its light-hearted humor and relatable characters. However, recent...
Welcome to your daily astrological forecast for June 20, 2023. Today’s celestial alignment suggests a day filled with opportunities for new beginnings and emotional connections. The...
Jasleen Kaur, Jasdeep Singh, and uncle Amandeep Singh, along with the infant’s parents, were all reported missing on Monday. According to surveillance footage, a man with...
Ananya Panday and Vijay Deverakonda travelled to a site for the promotion of their next movie, Liger, by boarding a local train in Mumbai. The Puri...
Ananya Panday has spoken candidly about her approach to ending relationships. She advised against repressing feelings and instead letting them out completely. Ananya Panday has discussed...