Malaika Arora, a renowned actress, model, and entrepreneur, is known for her stylish and glamorous fashion choices, with her recent...
The Bachchans, including Amitabh, Jaya, and Abhishek, attended the wedding reception of Rajesh Yadav, the son of AB Corp’s Managing Director. A paparazzo Instagram handle shared...
Kareena Kapoor is enjoying her vacation in Switzerland with her husband, Saif Ali Khan, sons Taimur and Jeh, sharing photos from their skiing session on Instagram....
romantic partners Stephanie Hsu and Zosia Mamet talk about their new series Laid, and some of the horrors of dating as millennials. Imagine a scenario where...
Anushka Sharma kept her look simple in a white T-shirt teamed with denims. Several photos from the stadium featuring the actor have surfaced on social media....
Kangana Ranaut, an actor and recently elected BJP Lok Sabha MP from Mandi in Himachal Pradesh, paid a visit to the Isha Foundation, a spiritual leader’s...
According to Vijay Sethupathi, the female actor may also decide to decline. The next film starring Vijay is MahaRaja. Vijay Sethupathi has no intention of restating...
Haechan and Johnny, two members of NCT, are in major difficulties when pictures and allegations surfaced allegedly showing them having personal interactions with fans. The group...
Actor-MP Sunny Deol is the target of alarming accusations of cheating, extortion, and forgery made by film producer Sorav Gupta (of Sundawn Entertainment Pvt Ltd). The...
Date of Release & Platform for Maidaan OTT: The Ajay Devgn film Maidaan, which debuted in theatres less than two months ago, is now accessible on...