Mufasa: The Lion King explores the titular lion’s origins with stunning visuals but falters under a cluttered narrative and Disney’s...
Snow White trailer: Directed by Marc Webb, and co-written by Greta Gerwig, the live-action film has been adapted from Disney’s 1937 animated classic. After playing Wonder...
Pushpa 2 The Rule has already crossed $1.4 million in advance bookings in North America even though the release is 10 days away. Allu Arjun‘s Pushpa...
This decision comes after the release of Kanguva on November 14, which saw a lot of negative feedback on the opening day from YouTube reviews. On...
Singer Chinmayi Sripaada shared posters of Amaran, featuring Sivakarthikeyan, and the song Rowdy Baby, featuring Dhanush, which didn’t have any women in them. Singer Chinmayi Sripaada has often...
Singham Again worldwide box office collection day 5: Rohit Shetty’s cop universe film has taken a clear lead globally. Both films released on November 1. Singham...
Sunflowers Were the First Ones to Know is produced by Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) and won the La Cinef at Cannes 2024. The...
Ajay Devgn’s upcoming film Azaad features Rasha Thadani and Aaman Devgan, exploring a family’s bond with their horse in Pre-Independence India. Ajay Devgn has shared the teaser...
Tom Holland, last seen in Apple TV show The Crowded Room last year, has signed his next with Academy Award-winning filmmaker Christopher Nolan. Tom Holland is going...
Sony Pictures made a splash at this year’s New York Comic Con by showcasing new footage for its upcoming film Karate Kid: Legends. Sony Pictures made...