A wave of controversy has emerged surrounding Nikhil, an individual alleged to be involved in espionage and engaging in acts of censorship. The claims have stirred...
Title: Bigg Boss OTT Day 2: The Intensifying Love Triangle and Avinash’s Unexpected Twist Introduction: Bigg Boss OTT continues to captivate viewers with its intriguing dynamics...
Cyrus Broacha’s Candid Confession: Reasons for Participating in Bigg Boss OTT 2 and the Challenges Ahead When it comes to reality shows, one name that resonates...
Title: Bigg Boss: Redefining Innovation with the ‘Strange House’ Theme Introduction Reality television has always captured the imagination of audiences worldwide, with its unique blend of...
In denim, Sunny Leone “liked this outfit.” Likewise, Sunny, likewise. The actress was photographed in a pair of ripped jeans and a white crop top, which...
Ananya Panday has spoken candidly about her approach to ending relationships. She advised against repressing feelings and instead letting them out completely. Ananya Panday has discussed...
The Indian Life Insurance Company’s board on Friday approved the insurer’s initial public offering in principle, but requested certain clarifications and minor changes to the draft...
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said on Friday that the 2022-23 federal budget represents continuity and brings stability to an economy that is teetering under the Covid-19...
Media company New Delhi Television Limited (NDTV) on Wednesday reported a 31.64% rise in its consolidated net profit to Rs 29.87 crore in the third quarter...
Godrej Consumer Products (GCPL) had a soft December quarter (Q3) performance on the back of sluggish India sales, ongoing weakness in the Indonesian business and margin...