In 1936, Luz Long was participating in the long jump event and helped Jesse Owens improve his form. Long saw Owens struggling because of his form...
In 1946, one year after Korea’s independence, Independence Movement Day became a national anniversary. May 24, 1949 was declared a national holiday. Thirty-three South Korean religious...
New Delhi: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday welcomed scientists and science enthusiasts to mark National Science Day and called for a renewed commitment to...
Bartending may seem like a modern job, but it’s one of the oldest jobs known to man—the first jobs of bartenders may have been practiced in...
Día de la Bandera (Flag Day) was founded in 1937 by the then President of Mexico, General Lazaro Cardenas. The event took place in front of...
On February 24, 1918, Estonia issued a declaration of independence. This was done by the new Soviet Russia, which was followed by a war with the...
In keeping with the day we celebrate, the person responsible for founding and celebrating Modesty Day is unknown. Yes, the exact origin and founder of Be...
The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), Girl Scouts of America and other WAGGGS affiliates have been celebrating World Thinking Day since 1926....
A small and densely populated region in the Canadian Far East, Nova Scotia or Nova Scotia has a long and varied history. The area where Mi’kmaq...
After George Washington died in 1799, his birthday was informally commemorated as Washington Day. Throughout the 19th century, people used this day to honor the man...