With the upcoming family comedy Maja Ma, Madhuri Dixit is making a comeback to the big screen. Gajraj Rao, Ritwik Bhowmik, Barkha Singh, and Srishti Shrivastava...
Bigg Boss’ 16th season is currently in its first week, and the drama has already started. Shiv Thakare and Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia, Manya Singh and Tina...
On Tuesday, the actor Rashmika Mandanna posted a family photo to her Instagram account. She gave her admirers a glimpse of her “true family.” Suman Mandanna,...
In order to make an unlikely reality, Deepak Dhar, CEO of Banijay Asia and producer of Dahan and Hostages, is renowned for gathering a large number...
The Revathy-helmed film Salaam Venky is scheduled to open in theatres on December 9. The movie, which stars Kajol, is marketed as an amazing true story...
Actress Urmila Matondkar is ready to make her digital debut with the action-packed thriller web series Tiwari, where she’ll also be performing some gritty action sequences,...
Many people are incensed by filmmaker Sajid Khan’s participation on Bigg Boss 16. Salman Khan welcomed Sajid, who has been accused of sexual misconduct by numerous...
Ponniyin Selvan: 1 was Mani Ratnam’s long-cherished dream, which he tended to for approximately 40 years. And ultimately, when he brought the epic tale to life...
Mohali: On Saturday at a neighbourhood dhaba, Punjabi artist Alfaaz, real name Amanjot Singh Panwar, was allegedly struck by a car and taken to a nearby...
Our filmmakers have always had enough of material to work with when it comes to conflicts between man and environment. Even though it deals with the...