Here are the latest developments from the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict. Kremlin, on Thursday, rejected the U.N.’s top court’s ruling that ordered Russia to immediately suspend military...
On March 7 and 8, Reliance Industries Ltd and Hindustan Oil Exploration Company (HOEC) sold natural gas to companies like Gujarat State Petroleum Corp (GSPC) and...
Nine out of 10 Ukrainians could face poverty and extreme economic vulnerability if the war drags on over the next year, wiping out two decades of...
After the Galwan military standoff between China and India, the foreign minister of china Wang Yi is likely to visit India at the end of this...
Despite China’s strict zero-tolerance policy towards Covid, the infection has again reared its ugly head in the country on the back of an Omicron variant led...
After Western reports quoting US officials stated that Russia had asked China for military equipment to be used in Ukraine, the US issued a warning to China....
In recent years Beijing has tightened its grip on Hong Kong and many have fled abroad after the introduction of the security law, which criminalizes what...
Digital Twins are forecast to form the essential building blocks of a Metaverse which connects the physical world with the virtual, enabling optimal urban decarbonization throughout...
Apple expected to unveil iPhone 14 series in or around September. New report suggests only iPhone 14 Pro models will have the “A16” chip. The standard...
PM Narendra Modi wished a “quick recovery” in a tweet to Barack Obama. Former US president announced that he had tested positive for Covid. In a...