There have been rumours for weeks now that actor and model Natasa Stankovic, from Serbia, had broken up with her spouse. Stankovic left Bollywood after being married to cricketer Hardik Pandya. Her Instagram name change, absence from Hardik’s IPL 2024 matches, and removal of wedding images from social media garnered attention recently, according to a Reddit thread. It seems that Natasa has now fixed the images of her and Hardik.
Wedding pictures are added by Natasa Stankovic.
On May 31, 2020, Natasa Stankovic and Hardik Pandya tied the knot. On July 30 of the same year, their son Agastya was born. On February 14, 2023, in Udaipur, Rajasthan, they celebrated by renewing their wedding vows in front of close friends and family.
Photos from their engagement and wedding day have returned to Natasa’s Instagram account. Many people on social media have recently noticed that she has been missing from some of her Instagram’s images with Hardik.
More about the post that stoked suspicions about a divorce
A Reddit thread titled “Natasa and Hardik separated?” garnered notice recently. It claimed that Natasa had stopped using Hardik’s last name on Instagram and that the two had stopped exchanging photos. The absence of Natasa from Hardik’s IPL 2024 matches was also questioned in the post.
“This is just a speculation,” said a Redditor. However, they aren’t sharing each other’s stories on Instagram. Natasa Stankovic Pandya was once listed on her Instagram account, but she has since taken his name down entirely.
On March 4th, which was her birthday, Hardik did not write anything. She also deleted all of their recent posts together, with the exception of the one in which Agastya was present. She isn’t spotted posting stories about the team or in the stands this IPL either. Although Pankhuri and Krunal continue to remark on her posts, there is definitely a disconnect between them.
The Serbian actor and model had before been the target of trolling because to Hardik’s IPL 2024 performance. Instagram pictures by Natasa were overflowing with insults and disparaging comments directed at her because of the Mumbai Indians’ dismal IPL start.
In early 2024, rumors circulated about a potential split between Serbian model and actress Natasa Stankovic and Indian cricketer Hardik Pandya. Speculation intensified when observant fans noticed that Natasa had removed ‘Pandya’ from her Instagram handle and deleted several photos featuring Hardik, including their wedding pictures.
Economic Times
Adding to the conjecture, Natasa was notably absent from Hardik’s matches during the Indian Premier League (IPL) 2024 season, a departure from her previous supportive presence. She also shared cryptic posts on social media, further fueling the rumors. Serbia, had broken up with her spouse. Stankovic left Bollywood after being married to cricketer Hardik Pandya.
Economic Times
In response to the growing speculation, Natasa restored their wedding photos on her Instagram account. This action led to mixed reactions online; while some fans were pleased to see the images reinstated, others accused the couple of engaging in a ‘divorce drama’ for publicity.
Times of India
Despite these developments, neither Natasa nor Hardik publicly addressed the rumors at that time. Their silence left fans and the media to interpret their social media activity as indicative of the true status of their relationship.
Ultimately, in July 2024, the couple officially announced their separation, confirming the earlier speculations. They emphasized their commitment to co-parenting their son, Agastya, and requested privacy during this transitional period.
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