Lok Sabha elections: On Monday, during the fifth round of the 2024 LS polls in Mumbai, actor Akshay Kumar was one of the early voters. The actor was seen proudly showing off his permanently inked finger while casting his ballot at a specified voting place in a video released by ANI. Last year, Akshay obtained Indian citizenship. In an interview with reporters, he encouraged people to cast their ballots.
“India should elect those it believes to be right.”
“I want my India to be developed and strong,” Akshay stated in Hindi. With that in mind, I cast my ballot. India ought to cast its votes according to its morality. I predict that Mumbai will have a high voter turnout.” Upon being questioned about his first voting experience following his Indian citizenship, the actor said, “This is fantastic! I feel fantastic!
Last year, Akshay became a citizen of India.
Akshay had previously posted a photo of his official paperwork in August 2023, demonstrating that he had at last obtained Indian citizenship. “Dono Hindustani dil aur citizenship (Heart and citizenship, both Indian).” Cheers to Independence Day! “Jai Hind!” tweeted Akshay.
In 2023, he informed ANI about obtaining Indian citizenship, saying, “I didn’t go there for nine or ten years.” I have one of my closest friends there, and it’s a really lovely spot. I made the decision to apply for citizenship.
The coincidence that on August 15th, I received a letter informing me of my citizenship was unintentional. However, being Indian is more than simply having a passport—it’s about your intellect, heart, and soul. If my spirit, intellect, and heart are not Indian, what good is having an Indian passport?
Regarding Canadian citizenship, Akshay Kumar
Following a string of more than a dozen box office failures, Akshay Kumar petitioned for Canadian citizenship in the 1990s. The actor gave up his Canadian citizenship in 2019, but because of the Covid-19 outbreak, the procedure took a while to finish.
“I became a Canadian because my films were not doing well at one point and I gave 13 to 14 flop films,” Akshay said in an interview with ANI. My friend, who was then living in Canada, told me to come over and we would work on something. My friend had proposed that we work together on shipping matters. I replied, “Well, things aren’t going well with my films either, and people have to work wherever they are.
“I got a Canadian passport when I moved to Toronto,” he said. There were still two films to be released in between. Following the release of the two films, it became a huge hit. I informed him that I was returning. I then received further videos and arrived here today. However, I never imagined that anybody might obtain it—it was only a travel document. I am the top taxpayer; all I do is pay my taxes.”
Cheers! Voting in his first Lok Sabha election as an Indian citizen in 2024 was a major turning point in the life of Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar. Akshay Kumar, who is well-known for his contributions to Indian cinema, actively participated in the to democratic process after obtaining Indian citizenship. In addition to being a personal triumph, this sends a message to his millions of admirers nationwide, urging them to take up their civic responsibilities and use their right to vote.
On social media, the actor shared his experience and emphasised the significance of voting in determining India’s
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