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Fans can relate to Anushka Sharma’s tense expression as she watches Virat Kohli’s RCB vs. RR match.



Fans can relate to Anushka Sharma’s tense expression as she watches Virat Kohli’s RCB vs. RR match.

Anushka Sharma was seen on Wednesday at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad cheering on her husband Virat Kohli’s Indian Premier League team, the Royal Challengers Bengaluru (RCB). In the IPL 2024 Eliminator, Rajasthan Royals (RR) defeated RCB. A video of the actress watching the match with a tense expression on her face is making the rounds on social media.

RCB is being supported by Anushka Sharma.

In response to Anushka’s tension-filled expression, RCB supporters and fans said they could identify with it. A fan of the RCB posted a video of Anushka from the stands on Instagram. The actor wore blue jeans and a striped shirt, and she had a serious expression on her face. She was talking with other RCB fans who appeared to be disappointed in the team’s defeat.

Responses to the video


“Presidential suite, amazing match, and Anushka Sharma right next to us!” the fan captioned the photo. Sad news, but we will always be there for RCB. From the greatest company to the best seats. RCB, onward and upward!”

Anushka’s video has received a lot of response on X and Instagram. The other wrote, “Heartbreak for the couple (Virat and Anushka).” A different individual stated, “Anushka looks upset as Virat Kohli’s RCB gets eliminated from IPL 2024.” “Every RCB fan can relate to Anushka right now,” another person remarked.

Anushka Sharma during a current RCB game

The actor has been a regular at recent RCB games. She gave birth to her second child, a son named Akaay, in February. She became Virat’s cheerleader during RCB’s victory over Delhi Capitals (DC) at the M Chinnaswamy Stadium in Bengaluru.


When DC’s last wicket was taken, Anushka Sharma’s joyous reaction was caught on camera. Anushka Sharma raised her hands in relief as well as leaping from her seat in the stands.

Anushka’s next film appearance will be as cricket player Jhulan Goswami in Chakda Xpress. Prosit Roy is the director of the sports film, which is produced by Karnesh Sharma, Anushka’s brother.

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Dolly Singh on her “love-hate” relation with her physical appearance




Dolly Singh on her “love-hate” relation with her physical appearance

Actress and content producer Dolly Singh recently talked about her weight swings and image worries in an Instagram post. She has since acknowledged that she is still working on accepting her body as it is and that there are still days when she stays away from others in order to avoid hearing criticism of her fluctuations in weight.

Dolly revealed in an Instagram post how people make fun of her weight. Her house is not one of the few individuals or places, she claimed, where she feels safe enough to be herself.

Relationship between hate and love
“Like everybody else, I’ve had a journey with my body of accepting it, not accepting it, Hating it and loving it and all of that,” she says when explaining why she decided to share the picture. I believe that I was just thinking about something when I decided to post about it at this particular moment. I recently lost a lot of weight, which is very normal for me because I usually gain less weight than I lose. Of course, this also brings scrutiny because my weight fluctuates like everyone else’s, and I suddenly realised that I was avoiding some people because I felt that my new weight or appearance will not invite great things from them or they will not be welcoming it maybe, wonder how safe space in the scenario is so important, it’s only a few people in your life that really let you be and enjoy and don’t make everything about how you look and your weight and everything else so I felt sad”. 

I felt certain that many others would be in a similar situation, therefore it was also something I wanted to discuss. “I decided to share it through my Instagram post,” the actor continued. Thank You For Coming is his most recent Bollywood blockbuster.


Continuous journey
Dolly, who rose to stardom on social media, acknowledges that she is still working on coming to terms with her physical appearance.

It has been a long journey, similar to every woman’s, she recalls. “It took me many years to really come to terms with the way I am, accept it if not love it,” she says. “Obviously, as a kid, you don’t really know, and then suddenly you’re very aware of how you look and how people perceive you and that you don’t meet the beauty standards.”

If I’m being absolutely honest, I believe that my true sense of contentment with my identity and appearance didn’t exist until I was around 25 or 26. Although the majority of days are wonderful, there are still bad ones. I think social media has definitely helped me a lot, she adds. “And honestly, I actually owe it to people on the Internet who follow me and say nice things because it has given me such a confidence boost and people who constantly put out such body positive content,” she says.

Not a simple procedure
In this passage, Dolly acknowledges that her journey towards self-acceptance has not been easy.

When asked about her greatest struggle, she responds, “I think the hardest part is to keep doing it and keep reminding yourself that what you have is great and of course you can be fitter and whatever your goal maybe, but that doesn’t mean that what you have right now, the body that is providing for you, is doing any less, or you should be hating it.” She also says that she has had to constantly pick herself up from pieces because it’s not like once you start loving yourself there are no bad days.

“Even though others may say otherwise, I think it’s difficult to constantly remind yourself that that’s not how it is,” she adds. “Because sometimes I try to look at my body as a friend and that’s when I start feeling bad for how I treat it sometimes or how I say mean things to it sometimes.”


When you ask her if she feels totally at ease with your body right now, Dolly says, “It’s a journey..And while it might be a rollercoaster, I believe that as we get older and wiser, navigating the changing ways our bodies and skin look has become simpler, but the journey never ends.

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