Brahmastra is an upcoming Indian superhero film, directed by Ayan Mukerji, and produced by Karan Johar. The film stars Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt and Amitabh Bachchan. It is the first film in the Brahmastra trilogy. Ayan Mukerji has claimed that he has rewritten “parts of Shiva-love Isha’s story” for the OTT release of Brahmastra.
He said that he made too many severe edits to the original story. It is not clear what these severe edits are, but it is possible that they are related to the character of Isha (played by Alia Bhatt). In the original story, Isha was in love with Shiva (played by Ranbir Kapoor), but it is not clear if this is still the case in the rewritten story. We will have to wait and see how the story unfolds when Brahmastra is released on OTT platforms.
Ayan Mukerji Reveals Major Rewrites for OTT Release of Brahmastra: “I Made Too Many Severe Edits”
Brahmastra, one of Bollywood’s most ambitious and high-budget films, not only dominated the box office upon its release but also generated buzz with its intriguing plot and stunning visuals. Directed by Ayan Mukerji, the film brought together a star-studded cast including Ranbir Kapoor as Shiva.
Alia Bhatt as Isha, Amitabh Bachchan, Mouni Roy, and Nagarjuna. However, as the film heads for its OTT release, Mukerji has revealed that significant changes have been made, particularly in the love story between the protagonists, Shiva and Isha.
In an exclusive interview, Ayan Mukerji opened up about the rewrites he made for the OTT release of Brahmastra. While the theatrical release had already showcased a captivating narrative with groundbreaking visual effects, Mukerji admitted that he wasn’t entirely satisfied with some aspects of the storytelling, especially the romance between Shiva and Isha.
The Rewrites: More Focus on Shiva and Isha’s Story
Ayan explained that while the original version of the film explored a larger-than-life universe, the love story between the central characters did not have as much emotional depth as he would have liked. “The film is set in a vast universe with complex characters, but when it came to Shiva and Isha, I felt to all deeply,” Mukerji said. “I made a lot of severe edits to their relationship to make it more believable and emotionally resonant.”
Brahmastra is an upcoming Indian superhero film, directed by Ayan Mukerji, and produced by Karan Johar. The film stars Ranbir Kapoor.
According to Mukerji, the focus was shifted to emphasize the emotional connection between the characters, allowing audiences to understand the evolution of their relationship in greater detail. The director confessed that some of the initial versions of their interactions were rushed, and after receiving.
feedback from audiences and his own reflections, he decided to make the necessary revisions. “In the theatrical release, the relationship between Shiva and Isha was sometimes glossed over, but in the OTT version, I’ve added more layers, making it a more central part of the narrative.”
Why the OTT Edit?
Mukerji also highlighted how the OTT release allowed him more creative freedom. With a longer runtime and the flexibility of the digital platform, he could further develop characters, relationships, and arcs that might have been truncated or overlooked in the theatrical cut. This process of editing and fine-tuning the narrative has been a crucial part of ensuring that the audience sees the most complete version of the story.
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