Instagram was used by Urvashi Rautela to post her images from Australia. In the images she shared on Instagram on Monday, the star was dressed in a green lehenga. “Kaise bhula doon usko,” Urvashi Rautela said in the description of her photo. How to forget them, people die, memories don’t (Maut insaan ko aati hai, yaadon ko nahi)
In the pictures, Urvashi posed for pictures inside a room while donning a printed lehenga outfit. In the pictures, which appear to be from an Australian Navratri event, the actor was also seen carrying a matching green purse and dandiya sticks. Many admirers left comments on Urvashi’s most recent post, and while the actress avoided naming any specific people, others thought that the cricketer RP Singh was alluded to in the description.
“Will meet you again in Australia (cricket) match,” read a comment. Come home quietly and watch that sad guy play cricket, said another. “Stop it… would you make me cry by placing captions now,” one user wrote in Hindi.
For the T20 World Cup, the Indian team is currently in Australia. On October 23, the first game will take place at Melbourne Cricket Ground versus Pakistan. “Followed my (black heart emoji), and it lead me to Australia,” Urvashi wrote in the Instagram caption of a selfie of herself taken from inside a plane that she posted on Sunday. She embellished her caption by adding the hashtag “love.” Fans responded to Urvashi’s post by inquiring as to whether she was going to Australia to be with Rishabh.
An Instagram user questioned, “Why Australia… is that RP?.” A another person said, “Your (red heart emoji) will be very delighted to meet you in Australia.”
Someone had earlier on Sunday tweeted about the cricketer’s stalker, asking, “Where does Urvashi Rautela get so much money for travelling the world to track Rishabh Pant? She doesn’t have any films with sponsorship deals. Movies to hai nahi iske paas, na koi endorsement. Another person said, “Whatever Urvashi Rautela is doing is pure harassment. She travelled to Australia for the purpose of following Rishabh Pant; just think if Pant did this for her. He’d be in jail in no time. Justice must be done for pants.
Following their sightings at eateries and open gatherings in 2018, there were romance rumours surrounding Urvashi and Rishabh. Rishabh denied dating Urvashi in 2019, though. He also made an announcement about his relationship with Isha Negi. Rishabh may have previously waited for Urvashi in a hotel lobby for close to ten hours, as Urvashi revealed earlier this year. She claimed in an interview that after a long day of work, “Mr RP” waited to see her as she slept. As a result of witnessing his “16–17 missed calls,” she admitted to feeling sorry for him. Then, in an apparent dig at Urvashi, Rishabh posted on Instagram, “It’s funny how individuals lie in interviews only for some meagre notoriety and for hitting the news. It’s sad how some people hunger for recognition and notoriety.
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