Umesh Kamat, who allegedly offered the actress a chance to play a role in a web series owned and produced by Raj Kundra, reportedly asked Sagarika...
Veteran actor Supriya Pathak Kapur believes she is doing more interesting work than ever before as the new crop of directors keep coming up with great...
Due to shortage of supply, only 58 centres out of 309 civic and state government run hospitals administered Covid-19 vaccines on Tuesday (July 20). According to...
China unveiled a maglev train capable of a top speed of 600 kph on Tuesday, state media said. The maximum speed would make the train, self-developed...
Actress Yami Gautam and director Aditya Dhar’s wedding last month left everyone surprised. But did you know that they started dating during the promotions of Uri:...
Raj Kundra was arrested on Monday night for alleged involvement in the creation and publication of porn films via online apps. While the businessman, who is...
The ‘Mann Ki Baat’ program has given oxygen to the radio which is dying amidst new modes of communication. This program has proved to be a...
ICMR DG Dr. Balram Bhargava said that we clearly know that children can handle viral infections better than adults. Antibody exposure is the same in children...
Equipment maker Volvo has launched its biggest excavators ever – the EC530E and EC550E… When paired with larger buckets, the EC530E and EC550E are near-matched to...
Tata Steel has established a coal preparation plant with a capacity of two million tons per year (MTPA) in Jamadoba under its Jharia division. This 2...