Game of Thrones actor Kit Harington, who famously portrayed Jon Snow, acknowledges that he finds it difficult to watch the...
Rajiv Kumar, the former finance secretary, has been named the new chief election commissioner (CEC), according to law minister Kiren Rijiju. Sushil Chandra, who is retiring...
Raqesh Bapat has returned to Mumbai, and the actor shared a photo of his new digs with his Instagram followers. Raqesh, a Bigg Boss OTT contestant,...
After sparking marriage rumours with photos of her wearing a diamond on her ring finger with an unknown man, Sonakshi Sinha has announced the launch of...
On Wednesday, Arjun Kapoor and Malaika Arora shared some romantic banter on Instagram. On Wednesday, Arjun celebrated ten years in the film industry by hosting a...
Kevin de Bruyne did his best impersonation of a future Manchester City teammate with his four-goal burst and the “Zen” celebration. Even if Erling Haaland, one...
Nikitin Dheer and Kratika Sengar Dheer welcomed their first child, a baby girl, on Thursday. According to a report by news agency PTI, the couple’s spokesperson...
As the island struggles to cope with its political and economic crises, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa said on Wednesday that he will appoint a new Prime Minister...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will attend the Second Global COVID Virtual Summit on Thursday at the invitation of US President Joe Biden. The Ministry of External...
NASA has released a live image of a hidden galaxy located near the Milky Way’s pearly disk’s equator. The spiral galaxy IC 342, also known as...
One of the biggest issues with Google’s Pixel lineup is its limited distribution, but it appears that Google is finally stepping up its efforts. The Google...