Game of Thrones actor Kit Harington, who famously portrayed Jon Snow, acknowledges that he finds it difficult to watch the...
On Wednesday, May 11, the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board (RSMSSB) will issue admit cards for the Junior Engineer (JE) exam 2022. Candidates can...
Debina Bonnerjee has slammed those who question why she holds her baby in a specific way or why she refers to her mother-in-law as aunty rather...
On May 10, legendary musician and santoor player Pandit Shivkumar Sharma died of a cardiac arrest. He was 84 years old. Pandit Shivkumar Sharma has hardly...
In India, OnePlus recently released the Nord CE 2 lite smartphone. The company has begun distributing a new update for the device. The Oxygen OS 12...
Apple hasn’t updated the AirPods Pro in a long time. The first-generation AirPods Pro debuted three years ago, with features like active noise cancellation, sweat resistance,...
Apple iPhone fans are currently enjoying the best opportunity to get their hands on the iPhone 12 at an incredible price. On the iPhone 12, e-commerce...
Jug Jugg Jeeyo marks Neetu Kapoor’s return to the silver screen. Neetu and her co-stars Anil Kapoor and Varun Dhawan shared real-life wedding photos with a...
Aayush Sharma, an actor, has slammed false death rumours surrounding his grandfather. Pandit Sukh Ram, a veteran Congress leader and former telecom minister, suffered a stroke...
Ranbir Kapoor had to follow a special tradition in his first football match after marrying Alia Bhatt, according to Abhishek Bachchan. All Stars Football Club (ASFC)...
Punjab Police have zeroed in on the role of gangster-turned-Khalistani terrorist Harvinder Singh Rinda, who is emerging as the mastermind, a day after their intelligence headquarters...